Shopping in Florence with the 80th International Handicraft Trade Fair 2016


From the 23rd of April through the 1st of May, at the Fortezza da Basso, Florence will host the 80th edition of the International Handicraft Trade Fair, the most important fair dedicated to the best artisanal creations from Italy and over 50 other countries from around the world.

The show was born in 1931 as an extension of the old Florentine guilds, interrupted only during the wartime years, and reborn as the international artisanal fair. Furthermore, over the past years, the fair has relaunched a combination of tradition and innovation, uniting the historical Florentine workshops with the more modern producers and their 3D printers.

The guest of honor this year will be Brazil, the most vibrant and colorful country in the world, whose art is based on the mixture of local and western cultures. The combination of charm and natural materials will guarantee that you'll take away a piece from this wonderful country. The artisans will be accompanied by dancers and musicians who will be along for their events for the entire length of the fair.

The fair will be take visitors on a wide-ranging journey composed of images, sounds and smells, across routes subdivided by geographic areas and ethnic traditions. This is a place where it will be possible to buy clothing, accessories, furniture, and design pieces that come from all around the globe, as well as to get acquainted with the latest global trends and innovations thanks to the numerous shared events, workshops, conventions, and live work.

In particular, in the area known as Visioni (Visions), which is dedicated to innovative and design focused artisans, there will be refined exhibits full of high-quality works with a strong creative component.

Visitors will have the opportunity to come into contact with all of the latest offerings in this sector, with the possibility to buy products that are original in their craftsmanship, technique, form and use of materials.

A large portion of the space will be dedicated to jewelry, with a wide variety of offerings in various metals as well as precious and semi-precious materials showing, among the many successful trends of the latest years, the research into new creative solutions in contemporary jewelry design.

For more info you can visit the website

Data: 22/04/2016 - Category: Events


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